Monday, April 30, 2007

my day

My day, my wish, my way. Greatest appreaciation to gold fish and friend, babun, and zhi zhi. A great day to remember. Satisfaction can't be doubted as everyting seemed to be awesome. I tasted marble cheese cake again, reminding me of how nice mom's cake is. the cheesy and wavy curves adore the menu, raising our appetites. Though the cake was small, their hearts and desire were no less than what was on the table. To exchange true relationship and friendship with that figure is a price I can afford to pay. Special thank you to all of you! One of the greatest birthday that I had.

Exam's just around the corner. days drew nearer. Predicted grades slowly creeps through my path. Study study and study. That's all I can afford to do. Meanwhile, I just hope excellency repeats and improvements seen is the coming weeks. 'the day" drew even nearer. Nothing can stop me from the word "miss". Whether its relationship, friendship, or family, the bonds fostered will be stronger. Believe in Him and the seperation will make our reationship, friendship, family ties grow stonger. I believe!

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