Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Thank god...It was mere challenge, which i endure it. A good experience for me at least. Everything is back to norm now, except the scratch which time can heal. Is it words of love? or is it human language. Whatever it is, I know, nothing matters much now because "let bygones be bygones". That's what history are for right? Look on the bright side, it allows us to improve, and who knows? to make a great stride ahead. Standing on the verge of breaking up yesterday truely taught me how words can really turn things out, as what the proverb says, pen is mightier than the sword. True. Well, everything restored. So why shall I worry over it? nah...

Dinner's served. Mom made chicken pie today. not the 1st time. But it was more than good. hm.. nutritious. Too bad, my tummy do not support that high capasity. Guess I'll have it reheated as lunch tomorrow. Sis, mom was "inspired by your effort of making pie in UKR"! ahaks...
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This should be able to last for at least two to three days...
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delicious? simply...

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