Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pain or vain? Gain or loose? I would give an assurance that it's pain and gain. Somehow, I realized how magnificent is God's creation. Despite the downpour, it did not turn our spirit down. I would say we were more than "eager" to finish the race. a race that would mark a bullet on some of us. 9+2. It was somehow fun, but through that, misunderstanding arises. No conclusion were decided but I am sure it's gonna prolong for quite some time. Indeed, if Joc or jason was there, I bet, they will start preaching. The stones, flowers, faunas... It was nothing less than heaven I guess. Well how do you define heaven? Is it a place of wonder? Or is it just an imagination of human where we like a place to be? I have no say on that. Our efforts were always challenged. the first became the last and vice-versa. It's just kept changing. The second trip seemed more meaningful compared to the first. This time, the learning to treasure every part of friendship took place. Still, there was a little conflict that distracted us from drawing peace. How wonderful is God's creation? Take a jaunt... and you will understand.
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How's the bunk beds?
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Grace hostel...after several "conflicts"
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Energy fill-up
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journey starts...
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who says it's easy?
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we're not of a kind support
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with the guide
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simply magnificent
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tats steep
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he's damm fast...
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energy recharge?
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Isn't the waterfall wonderful
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the beauty of floras
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another beauty spot
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highest weather forecast center in Malaysia

Holiday's almost over, what's left for me? A french novel? Lab report perhaps? I somehow have to get it done. CAS report for 30 hours again... sigh...well, least this new year somehow brightened me up as I spent the last day of 06 on the highest spot of SEA. Praise the Lord for granting me the strength to complete the climb. Holiday's over means results coming out. Well, what can I say? I don't know. I guess it's time for me to turn over and storm the front. her grad? walk one step see one step....praying for the best...

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