Monday, December 17, 2007

Movie buzz and love letters writing "insanity"

Just watched it. Another movie involving mice. Nice one I would say. Looks like more producers are starting to use mice as their main characters. From Stuart Little, Ratatouie, and now, the Chipmunks. Alright, they are chipmunks, but still, same family! Errr... hope they won't change my name again for this movie.


After the movie, I landed myself in Popular. And these are some of the books I flipped through:
I learned a lot about Elvis after digesting a few pages of it...
2 books to choose. Each weighs at least 1.2Kg. 600pages. If I had to opt, I would definitely go for the left one.
This book tells you what the title suggests, although it's mere Cheetham's opinion and findings. And my first impulse was right:
Yep! Proton Wira and Perodua Kancil is part of it (click on the pic for larger image)


The following are interesting extracts that I managed to snap from a book:
Wow... I never know love was that complicated.
100% agree.
Absence of such elements would probably lead to what we call "divorce" or "break up" or 失恋
Tips to write love letters...guess lot of us overlooked these... useful for today's valentines.
p/s: Linda, don't bother about your name up there. Wait till you read the sample letters...
Full of metaphoric language. Eiw... so yok ma man... Anyhow, he certainly proved either one of these:
1. His word bank is rich (the girl had probably herself a good English teacher/lawyer)
2. He spent a lot of time browsing through the dictionary (the girl may find him very hardworking, eager to learn, and very dedicated to her)
Female is not left out in this case. Wait! the writer: Linda??!!!!! OMG, I really can't imagine you writing these kinda letters... LORINDA>>>> haha
Yep! All the preceding caption are from this lovely book. Imagine a couple visit each others house and realized that both of them own one of these, and the fact that they have been writing a lot to each other, what else? ALAMAK! KEDAPATAN!...haha... Who would buy this book a? I wonder...
Guys, get those words in your brain and start practicing your writing skills...ahaks!


iamlz said... there's wher u learn d techniques ya..from real heart one or x? hmmm..

The Bloody Stethoscope said...

where got o? i just found d book last nite la