Friday, December 28, 2007

SK MUTIARA and its glory

Took a visit to my primary school. A school I spend only 1 year, primary 5, and off I go for form 1. From nothing, it became something. Where the population was initially dominated by immigrants, more than 20% of the student are Chinese now. A school once with no fame, it won a long lists of awards now...The pioneer batch only managed a 5As and counting percentage of passes, now they are talking about percentage of straight As! All in 7 years, AMAZING!
7 years ago, much of the covered walk way did not exist...
They claimed it 7 years ago, they made it today! YEa!!!
Journeying back, I missed the soto here...
Dude! Graffiti is legal in my school!! Who can beat that man!!!
And here are a few awards that they won:
Perhaps there's still room for more, and certainly they will fill it up. 3 Principals exchanged portfolios, each with his or her own mission, certainly the mission of the school will be constantly observed. SK MUTIARA, I look forward for your ever counting achievements! btw, My UPSR slip is still there, though no where to be found by the school administrators. They seriously should get a better secretary man!


A little bit of back date.... Here's a shot of the unexpected Christmas caroling in Palm Square:
Despite the small number involved, it cheered up the whole arcade! Merry Christmas! HOHOHO!


Here are some of the books that caught my interest:
If you're into Ciphers, this is it! Secrets, secrets and SECRETS!

Gourmets, here's your soup... But I found out some of the hot-spots in my town are not listed. Instead, some weird shop names popped up, which some them we obviously know that the food there is nothing nicer than average!

Should be an eye-opener for some folks in mcb...

They say doctors must be good enough to establish a better patient-physician relationship as an icing sugar of the skills and scientific knowledge, I bet parents themselves too need to learn how to communicate (doesn't mean children don't!)


That's all for now! Happy NEw yEar folks! May you all have a joyous and blessed year 2008! It's RAT year ahead! Yea!!!! My troops will be honored in glory! muahahahahaha!


Anonymous said... this stuart little?? sarah s..remember me? kta sama batch time d 5 mutiara..hehe..

The Bloody Stethoscope said...

Hi Sarah! How have you been? Didn't quite get you when you drop a message at my blog long time ago. Hope it's still not too late to catch up with you..
So, how have you been? It's been like what, a decade ago since I last meet you? Yes, 9 solid years!!! Thinking back, I supposed it's year 2000 right? Where are you now? Whereabouts are you studying? man... We, should really meet up!!!!

Orait, hit me back asap k?!!! And if possible, leave me an email or something k? Looking forward to hear from you.


Long lost friend.