Sunday, May 24, 2009

The intolerable KIASU Syndrome

I just can't understand, why some people just can't stop stressing that I only have one more to go??!!! Yes, I do have only one more to go, and it's quite some days away, but hell, you're NOT IN MY COURSE!!! How on earth would you understand?!!!! You're not even me!!! I'm not some genius who read things once and save it in my mind forever!!! I know my own capability! I have my own reasons to start early! and it's NONE OF YOUR F*cKing business!!!! dew!

And you think you F*cKing own the library? Only you and your friends that have exams in a few days time deserve the library spaces?!!! Come on, I'm not sitting on your back to do my revision ok! What do you mean we are fighting with you guys? who are genuinely having exams? What fight?!!! Don't you realise we are doing different course? and what do you mean genuinely having exams?! So the 11th is NOT A GENUINE EXAM?!! Ours maybe merely MCQs DIQs or TF, but they are not some primary school kid stuff done by a university student! At the very least, to me, I think it's no easy task!

Cut the crap man, least we are not as KIASU AS YOU people!!! Always asking about other's scores! and comparing our degrees with yours!! I mean it when I say I don't wanna talk about it! So why ask?!!! Well, if you like it, I'd like to make it clear to YOU: Yes, yours is just a B. Sc!!! JUST A BSC!!! and mine is something that carries extra salutation in front! So what? you jealous? go crack your ass to work on entering this field then! and stop complaining that you do the job while we claim the honour! There's a reason of why we study 5 years and you 3! Shut up! We have got the authority and you don't! So don't compare!

Why wanna say which job is more noble than the other?!!! we depend on each other in this world ok! Even the scavengers are noble, at least to help you this bunch of snobbish vagina clean up your feces! You think what, only educated people deserve to live on earth? We all do ok!

And so what if my course cover the sense of humanity? After all we are dealing with humans, it is perfectly sensible to learn such stuff, it is only people like you who label them as rubbish not sensible to realise the importance of it while working your ass off just for the science stuff.

I'm not discriminating anyone or any course here, but I just hope you will understand, what we are doing is just the same as everyone else. it's just a freaking degree! What's the fuss about that?!!! Why wanna compare?!!!

p/s: I don't mean to insult anyone taking Bsc, but just this group of individuals that can't stop comparing, can't stop prooving the point that they are having exams!


~Pinkie~ said...

wa lao.. who are u talking about o? so ganas.. but m 100% sure its not me.. haha.. cos i never stress u about ur exam.. just say will go kacau u only.. hehe.. chill la u.. they wanna say just say it la. just listen from ur right ear den go out in the left ear.. or mayb u can just dun listen.. haha.. think of them as humming.. :D

Chin said...

Calm down ist .... :)

The Bloody Stethoscope said...

Chill sudah ni... kalo d kk dah lama sa hoot tu budak... lan si betul!

iamlz said...

Since you said those are craps, then just see them as craps point angry alone there rite ;)

thedivinekiss said...

Garangnya :)